Monday, March 30, 2009

MKs Weekend

Mary-Kaylin had a good weekend. She's still not able to sit up or walk around for very long without having headaches but those should subside within the week. She had several friends visit!...Lauren, Sydnie, CC, Jordan, Katy and Gracen and cousins DD, Emma, Ethan, Adam and Evan. Cousins Avie and Scooter visited. Avie brought a cake her mom, Brenda, had made from scratch. We think it's the best thing we've ever put in our mouths! Friends from our Bob Beach Sunday School Class have brought dinner several times and that has been a big help! Friday night Memu (Aunt Mary), Uncle Lu and Mal Mal (Mallory) came over to stay with MK so we could go out to eat. Uncle Lu left when spa time started...can't imagine why?!?! It was nice for Perry Jon and me to sit down for the first time and talk about everything over a nice meal away from it all. Sunday evening Yat Yah (Aunt Angela) and crew brought a movie and we ate tacos and watched the movie.

Several of you are asking about Jon-Austen (13yr old brother). He went to Dallas with some friends this weekend and had a wonderful time. He is preparing for his first rated dressage horse show the first weekend in May so he is staying busy!

Mary-Kaylin is out of school this week. We hope she can return next week.

Thank you for all of your prayers and support!

Brenda's Apple Cake. Yum!!

1 comment:

  1. So glad that MK had a fun weekend. I especially like the pic with Lu and the horse!!
